Balerman, It would really help in replies if there was some indication of where you are located! Replies might be quite different if you are in ND ot TX! Why is it that folks won't even put a state in their profile? Having said that, I also like the concrete type heated waterers. I was just outside a few hours ago cleaning my Peterson out as I do every couple weeks. I took a picture of some calves at it I'll add below. The Peterson (made in IA) seems to be similar to the Cancrete (made in Canada and NE) except the newer Petersens have a black poly top rather than the stainless sheetmetal. I think either will work well - but your satisfaction with any of the heated waterers is completely dependent on the quality of the site prep work, based on what I have seen. I would strongly recommend you pour a concret pad around the water site with a raised section extending out about a foot all the way around the waterer to keep them from backing up to it and fouling the water. Cattle will put their front legs on a 4" step but not their hind legs. Don't ask me why.... Depending on where you are located and minimum temps over the winter determine the exent of the details on the heat end. Here is a picture of the pad, the completed installation, and a photo from today. I put up a temporary divider because the weaned calves use one side and the cows and bulls the other side. (please excuse the wire etc! I'm going to put up a 1st class permanent divider some day - hope the WI PE board doesn't see this one!) The Petersen works very well, when installed exactly as they suggest. This is in WI where we had close to -30 F a couple mornings last Jan. This unit has been completely ice and trouble free. Use a very good grade of Butyl flashing cement on the bottom. No bolts/studs etc required. this waterer weighs over 800 lb. Painted black that weight also operates as a heat sink. Uses much less electricity than you would think even in super cold weather. I am also convinced that keeping a supply of non frozen/warm clean drinking water is important to the cattle's health and ability to outwinter on their own. Good luck. Jim at Dawn The bottom phot reminds me - whatever brand you buy, caulk around the door over the winter. If you keep cold air out the insulation and heat from the bottom of the water keeps everything like toast inside. Put in an electrical shutoff somewhereoutside the watering area but easily accessible so you can cut the power when you drain it out. I can clean this thing out completely in about 2 minutes. Nice big plug on one side. top comes off easily and is sturdy. I did replace the Petersen brass ball float with a flat, pancake shaped styrofoam one from the valve people - still clears the heat element but gives quicker fill characteristic. As you can also see in the photos, the 2x6 treated boards I put up initially around the waterer were totally inadequeate - replaced them with used steel guard rail. Should have done that right the first time. The water is a Petersen 34C by the way.
Edited by Jim 1/3/2009 22:11
(Petersen Waterer and Calves IMG_20090103_10061.jpg)
Attachments ---------------- 05-06-07_1348.jpg (83KB - 1181 downloads) 05-06-07_1702.jpg (112KB - 1092 downloads) Petersen Waterer and Calves IMG_20090103_10061.jpg (117KB - 1028 downloads)