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John Deere 4755 or Case 7130 Magnum
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Posted 9/28/2016 09:37 (#5553291 - in reply to #5551904)
Subject: RE: John Deere 4755 or Case 7130 Magnum

Northern Texas
I think you guys are right. We've cut our teeth on Deere from the 30 series all the way up to the 60 series. Not to say the Magnum isn't a fine tractor...I'm sure that it is....but it would probably be best to stick with what we're already familiar with. And as mentioned above, lots of things will interchange with our 4555....oil filters, fuel filters, etc.

As for the Ford/New Holland 70 series, two things stand in the way. One is money. All the clean, lower hour ones listed on TractorHouse are unfortunately a little out of range for us. Number two is the local New Holland dealer. It' do I say's unique haha. It's not exactly known for good service, or ordering parts when you ask them to...or the next couple of days...or even within the week at times. Again, I'm sure they're good tractors, but blue is scarce in this area largely for that reason.
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