MN | good tractors.. have a 8560 w/ 4200hrs. been real happy with it, not gonna run with the big 4wd tractors but hey you arent coughing up the big $$ and way cheaper than MFWD. My opinion is you guys can have the MFWD's and i'll take the 4wd, rides better less prone to power hop, lot less maintenance, not much need to ballast as its already there, better visibility. but then again what works for me, probably wont work for you... we are actually looking for a second small 4wd (8570/9100) w pto 4 carting/stalk chopping...
questions feel free to email me.. our 8560 actually came from up in your neck of the woods..
Edited by swmn8560 1/1/2009 17:56
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