NC Kansas | Here it's not much of an issue, no "sensitive crops" other than non-extend beans to worry about and gardens. And don't even quote list price, your seed guy should be able to get within about $1-$3 of RR2 prices. I'm gonna plant them, won't have to worry about neighbors spray drift, spray my dicamba product with sonic at planting so that residual window lines up better with beans getting up and going. It's another bullet in the gun. No the dicamba won't work well if you "scout" drive by at 60mph and can see the Palmer above the beans...
We will try to put down some 24D/metribuzin in the fall if time allows. Address in spring early if needed. Do the preplant program, try to get back in 3-4 weeks later with another residual (warrant) and we might trial some xtendimax/r-up at that time and see what happens.
I don't get the vitriol really, these companies want to sell you beans and a product that works. They are all working to triple/quadruple stack dicamba/Liberty/24d/r-up. It will be here in 3 years or so. Use your head in the mean time...
Edited by KRM 9/18/2016 08:15
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