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6400 JD MFWA Good/ bad/ Ugly?
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School Of Hard Knock
Posted 12/30/2008 22:14 (#551899 - in reply to #551719)
Subject: Re: 6400 JD MFWA Good/ bad/ Ugly?

just a tish NE of central ND
bullhauler - 12/30/2008 20:37

I heard they tend to start on FIRE, electrical problems, didnt your neighbors start on fire, My BILs cousin had a JD 6400 and it went up in flames with a new JD baler attached to it, some thing in the cab started it on fire.

Yea,I was there as well as your Uncle Ron and many neighbors. If I could post a photo with ease, Id show you just what we saw at that fire where the whole dam shop and tools /tractors feeder wagon and grinder,fourwheeler and just about every small item that fits into a shop burned to scrap iron. It was sad. The 6400 was certainaly the item that started the fire, But, I really feel it was the block heater or the junction box between the olo heeter/ block heeter connection that did it, but we will never know for sure.One never knows with fires. My 4320 burned in the dash area one night this summer after sitting for about 48 hours in a heavy lightning storm....We feel lightning did it, but , no real proof.

Edited by School Of Hard Knock 12/30/2008 22:19
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