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Stor-Mor top dry system
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Posted 9/8/2016 07:53 (#5516605 - in reply to #5516459)
Subject: RE: Stor-Mor top dry system

Black Hawk Co IA
We have had one for 30-plus years and it works very well. Best thing is simplicity - fill, dry, dump, repeat. No augers or switches to fail or shut off unexpectedly. We have a Calc-u-dri monitor to automatically shut down when dry, and some have automated theirs to act more like a continuous flow system. For a one man show, it's very good, we always had enough wagons/trucks to hold a batch so we could fill them and have another batch ready to go. Now have a hopper bin to hold several batches worth to keep dryer going overnight. Downside is probably a bit slower than other systems. If you need the additional bin space, would be a great addition.
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