Leaf shape does not look right for Waterhemp. On Palmer, when you bend back the leaf petiole over the leaf, the leaf petiole is longer than the leaf blade. The leaf petioles on your sample are not that long. When I look at the first pic, looking at the long branch (stem) that goes right, it looks like there are small fuzzy hairs across that branch (stem). Both Waterhemp and Palmer are smooth - no hairs. Both redroot and smooth pigweed have small fuzzy hairs on the stem. According to the Pigweed ID guide I have from K-State, it says redroot and smooth pigweed are hard to differentiate until they are mature. Redroot pigweed - Branches of the flowering structure are very compact, usually less than 2 inches long, and thicker than a pencil. Smooth pigweed - Branches of the flowering structure are compact, usually more than 1½ inches long, and thinner than a pencil. Branches are usually longer than those of redroot pigweed. My guess is similar to DKO - I think you have Redroot pigweed. Kansas State pigweed ID
Edited by martin 8/31/2016 10:07