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Will I be happy with a 9570?
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Posted 8/23/2016 07:47 (#5485089 - in reply to #5484994)
Subject: RE: Will I be happy with a 9570?

If you are dead set on the 30 ft head go with a 9670. Green stem beans could be a disaster with the 9570 and the 30 ft head, I've managed to choke the feederhouse a number of times going slow with a 22 ft head. Unloading auger is definitely not fast, there is option for a longer auger. Our operation is about the same size as yours and if we added 2-300 acres we'd go to a class 6 to be able to cut wheat and beans quicker. The 9570 does excellent in corn and if you unload on the go you can keep 2 large trucks very busy.
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