| hobby95 - 8/5/2016 18:11
The road is gravel and I just slow down a bit and plant through it. They wouldn't say for sure where towers would go but our state has a pretty big, think it's either 1000 or 1320 feet, from a residence and I have kind of a hilly farm so I figured there were only a couple spots they would work and that's fairy close to where they are. i ended up with a road on my farm going to neighbors tower which had me quite irate at the time. Figured if I had to have the road I should have the towers too but they are paying me 2 buck a foot per year for and it actually works good for setting trucks during harvest so no big deal. The construction year was stressful but lately things seem to go ok. Like I said before I'm not sure if I would do it again or not. you know you would not sign again but you are trapped by your foolish signing of the contract. greed gets a lot of farmers in trouble |