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JD 6600 combine
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Posted 7/29/2016 05:19 (#5438361 - in reply to #5437477)
Subject: RE: JD 6600 combine

South cental Ohio
I've had a 16 and a 20 foot 200 series heads on ours. The 16 foot you can cut about any pace you want and the 20 footer you couldn't push too hard..... so it's up to you. Go small and go fast or go big and go slow. A 4 row head is enough on a 6600 but once again, you can put a 6 row on it but your speed will be limited and your grain tank capacity will keep you from going very far before emptying. Make sure you have GOOD cylinder bars in it if you have many weeds or are going to cut any green stem beans. If you want another 6600, I have one that's been in the shed for 2 years with a 220 head. $5500 and she's yours !
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