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What's wrong with JD 4840s
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Posted 12/18/2008 01:21 (#538313 - in reply to #537829)
Subject: Re: What's wrong with JD 4840s

Denhoff,ND right in the center of the State
We have a 4640 and 4840 and neither one could do the work the old 6030 could, 4840 has a week clutch in them have replaced a couple, 4640 has been much better tractor than 4840 and the old 6030 there is just no replacement for him, out weights the 4840 by far. like the others said draw backs are 8speed powershift, big jumps between gears and only 1000 pto and is a wide frame tractor. Not very good tractor for PTO work not enough gears.
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