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corn planter with dry fertilizer
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Posted 12/17/2008 21:06 (#538019 - in reply to #537645)
Subject: RE: corn planter with dry fertilizer

EC MN - Hour North of 'The Cities'
I was wondering how a stack fold bar on the 3 point of the tractor would work with dry boxes on it to apply the fertilizer and then have a 3 point hitch on the back of the bar where a 1770NT (16 row) could be pulled behind? We would be looking for something to band the fertilizer as we plant and then this unit could be doubled as a Urea sidedresser after planting. The hang-up would be the issue of weight on the stack fold when in transport or to make sure the boxes are empty before going on the road and then to have them filled in the field, but the hydraulic flow wouldn't be nearly as much as an air cart would require I would think.

The tractor being used would be a Challenger 45.

Any thoughts are appreciated!
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