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What's wrong with JD 4840s
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Posted 12/17/2008 17:55 (#537772 - in reply to #537618)
Subject: Re: What's wrong with JD 4840s

Gibson City Il
4840 hands down a great machine. As said earlyer the eight speed was the only option that would hold the power and along the lines of durabiliy i have seen far more quad ranges that had lots of trouble many more than the 8 speeds the other thing i know about the 48 and the trany is anything over 250 hp will tear it up. There is just almost nothing that you cant do with a 48 i still see them selling all over the 20 thousand range. i could be parcial because i have run one everyday for several years that have well over 6000h on it and have had very little trouble. I recantly ran a 4850 witch is a 4840 with a 15 speed and MFD and it was a rough ride but still has a good place. And lets not forget the 4840 is way better that any 6030 or 520 to ever turn a wheel.
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