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What's wrong with JD 4840s
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Posted 12/17/2008 12:44 (#537531 - in reply to #537466)
Subject: Re: What's wrong with JD 4840s

Northern Illinois
4840 was a great tractor, but as stated previously, only 1 pto option, and most that want 200 hp are going to get an 8 wheeler, or a FWA. The reason the 4440 is so popular is it has both ptos, 140 hp, and is a small enough tractor to do lots of jobs, but also big enough to do many jobs for a mid size operation. They are just more desirable is all, and it all comes to supply and demand. Like high quality farmland, they aren't making anymore of it, just like 4440 JDs. My uncle has a 4840 that he has owned since it was brand new with 6000 hrs on it. The tractor is perfect. It was his main tractor for years, he planted, did his tillage, pulled wagons, everything with the 4840. It is a great tractor.
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