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A-C 5050 tractor questions
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Farmer at heart OG.
Posted 12/14/2008 16:29 (#534267 - in reply to #534150)
Subject: RE: A-C 5050 tractor questions

Pretty much a Fiat re badged by that I mean look at a Fiat on Farmphoto .com. You will see what a Fiat look's like the Allis just painted orange with Allis decal's. They came in an Oliver as well a 1260 or 1265 painted Oliver color's and decal's. White made them a while also. I've just been around the White's and Oliver's a Little that were slightly larger 55-65hp. They had a Fiat motor and 8 speed's forward and 2 reverse. Powerful little snot's for their size and not too much trouble if taken care of. Clutch kind of weak if used on a loader a bunch but not too serious comparing to other tractor's used like that. If the price was right for it's shape I wouldn't be afraid of it other than I'd want the 4 cly. larger ones I'm used to.
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