 Lincoln County. NC | According to Norm Swinford's excellent book on Allis Chalmers tractors and equuipment, the 5050 was sourced from Fiat and imported to the US from 1976 to 1983. 51 PTO and 43 drawbar HP. Engine make is not specified, but the narrative of the Nebraska test 1240 for the 5050 references a Fiat engine, which likely means Iveco. Parts availability for peripherals would be from AGCO and for more chassis related stuff the best source may be New Holland IF a cross reference to a Fiat model can be figured out. Apparently this is NOT a Fiat clone built under license by Universal Tractor in Eastern Europe and sold under several brands including Long. I would expect it to be a decent, no frills ride, although combined hydraulic flow is a mere 6.5 GPM.
Good to hear the weather wasn't too bad at your place.
Edited by RickB 12/14/2008 16:45
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