Alberta, Canada | Visibility - in general fine or specifically for loader work? I checked and the video I took was the 150hp model which had a bit nicer cab 6cly. motor and was a quieter vs the 1220 model.
Really you have to go and drive one to get the feel of it. If you're current tractors are idk even say like a $$$ premium 15 year old JD7410 you will be disappointed in the cab , options and noise of this 1220. However compared to say an economy model JD 6130d ... well that's different the MTZ 1220 is probably quieter and heavier built. Depends on what you're look'n for as for a durable, simple tractor the MTZ fine. That's what these are aimed for farms that may have requirements for a more basic lower cost machine that still can be serviced on farm with out all the emission components or electronic transmission controls to worry about. I know they are odd ball over here but there is 100,000's of them working in other parts of the world.
Edited by Larry in AB 6/16/2016 22:22
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