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MTZ 1220 after some use.
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Posted 5/22/2016 11:43 (#5314448)
Subject: MTZ 1220 after some use.

Newfane NY
I spent some hours in one working headlands on our Cabbage field's. The cultivators need 24' to do a nice job of turning, so it has been my job to make the headland big enough for them.

As to the cab,

Air works really good but it was only 70° here. But I just had it turned to the lowest setting so I feel it will work good on our 85° days.
I looked to try and find a spot I could see daylight thru, I did not see any at this time.
I did notice that all glass is flat, so replacement will be cheap and any local glass shop can cut you a piece.

Dislikes or maybe just annoying.....

Hand throttle location is not the best if you need to change engine speed a lot. But any farmer could modify it as the knob screws on and an extension could be added. That does not distract me from likeing this tractor more every time I drive it.

Now to another observation.
Boris drives and shifts the same as the TD-95D in the picture.. The driver of the 95D wants to try it on his planter and we will just as soon as we get to a field that has no rocks. If it works well and he likes driving it we will make a rock box for it for next year.
edit....darn auto spell on smart phone

Edited by usafarmer 5/22/2016 12:09



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