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Best Wheel Rake
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Posted 3/30/2016 08:28 (#5209219 - in reply to #5208840)
Subject: RE: Best Wheel Rake

central ohio..between Springville and Millbrook.
Jim - 3/30/2016 01:21

I have a new Holland procart wheel rake that works very well. It has independent wheel springs. One wheel can go up without the next one going down. Angle and width are easily adjustable. I suggest getting the optional center wheel.

+1. I know they look chinzy but the pro carts do a great job. Dealer lent me one 2 years ago when one of our rakes broke....I used it for 2 days and ended up buying 3 of them. They do a fantastic job.
The suspension on each wheel is a little time consuming to adjust...but once you get it set right you won't pick up any dirt and will rarely have to adjust it from then on. Definatly get the center kicker wheel.

Good luck
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