
| The outlet air really that hot 3000 F maybe 300
Brakemaster units (Figs. 21 & 22) areactually heat exchangers since the compressed air fromthe air compressor is cooled.When the compressed air leaves the air compressor,it is about 1490 C (3000 F) and by the time it reaches theBrakemaster unit, the temperature will drop to about 600C (1400 F).Fig. 21 CR Brakemaster Model 62The hot compressed air enters the expansionchamber where the sudden drop in pressure cools it off.The heat is carried away through the external fins whichare an integral part of the one piece aluminum body.As the air cools in the expansion chamber, bothwater and oil vapors are condensed out. Thiscondensation collects on the walls of the expansionchamber and runs down into the collection area where itFig. 22 CR Brakemaster Model "8is automatically discharged by a specially designedunloader valve.The heat exchanger has a permanent air filterelement which traps carbon particles that can harm other components in the air system. Every time the unloader operates (each time the compressor completes a cycle) there is a back rush of air through the filter, so that any carbon trapped in the filter element is flushed out and ejected through the unloader valve. In an air system where the compressor is in good condition, the filter will require little or no maintenance. If the filter should require servicing, it should only need a bath in cleaning solvent. Replacement should be unnecessary. MAINTENANCE Periodic or scheduled maintenance is not required. However, for trouble free operation, the following items should be checked. 1. Steam clean cooling fins to remove accumu- lated road grime. 2. Check to be sure cooling fins have not been painted. 3. Check air lines to be sure they have not be- come kinked, cracked, broken or chafed. 4. Perform the Service Checks. CTS-4079 - CHAPTER XIV - Page 12
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