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Do not buy a gatormade trailer
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Posted 3/22/2016 22:59 (#5193876 - in reply to #5193688)
Subject: RE: Do not buy a gatormade trailer

Northern Minnesota

I could have written the exact same post several years ago when I bought a 30' 24K Brute Force deckover goooseneck from Doolittle Trailers ("Proudly built in America") Holts Summit, MO.

Dealer is only 40 miles from me but I picked trailer up myself brand new from Holts Summit.  I paid the dealer his asking price and once the money was in his hands he announced to me that he would NOT be providing any "service"  because he made so little on the deal!!

When I called the folks I met at Holts Summit picking up the trailer, they could have cared less.  Within WEEKS brakes were locking up (no lube/tight fit on top pivot pin etc), the "all sealed wiring" was amazingly chintzy and has to be repaired after each use, jack didn't work and had to be rebuilt etc etc etc...(time and space doesn't permit telling the whole nightmare...!)

I would call them and write polite letters explaining the problems and despite the warranty got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!

So thanks to BobbyLumnus here's my chance to spread the word with his.......So once again, that is DOOLITTLE TRAILERS.  Lousy products.  Lousy people.  (They certainly live up to their name.)  Thank you very much 

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