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Do not buy a gatormade trailer
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Posted 3/22/2016 21:38 (#5193688)
Subject: Do not buy a gatormade trailer

I bought a 2016 10 ton 25' gooseneck trailer direct from Gatormade trailers several weeks ago . I am not the type to complain but this trailer has been a complete headache and they have done me wrong. Trailer totaled $8100 delivered to NC . Could of went with any trailer company for that money. Gonna keep it short but they will not stand by the trailer . Cannot get anybody on the phone , warranty process points the finger to the axle company . Then they say its a gatormade problem . I am in the middle of this ( hours on hold and countless calls ) for a week before a part is even shipped . Two weeks later I'm getting my trailer back and the trailer repair shop says they would only cover 1/2 hour labor so I'm responsible for 2 hours labor .

My advice for anyone in the market for a trailer is to go with your local trailer manufacturer . This trailer has less than 1000 miles ( 600 delivered ) . I am not here to complain about the little things I noticed , like the powder coat is already stripping off in long flakes . There wiring is exposed with buss connectors . Everywhere you look "made in china"

Hopefully this will help someone , I'm done calling that crowd , I will pay the disputed labor before I call again tell my story to get put on hold and have nothing done about it !
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