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Thoughts on JD 3155
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JD 9400
Posted 3/7/2016 07:55 (#5160757 - in reply to #5160622)
Subject: RE: Thoughts on JD 3155

Southern Pa.
Also more prone to hyd. issues. Get it warmed up good, then on slow idle, try turning the steering wheel rapidly from lock to lock while raising the three point hitch. Repeat several times. If it starts to chatter, either the rear transmission pump is weak, or you have internal oil leaks. You'll be digging through the transmission replacing hyd. lines, orings, etc. BTDT.

Personally, I never developed much love for the older utility tractors, including the 55 series. Hydraulic system issues, and pretty gutless to boot. Some folks seem to get along fairly well. Depends on your expectations. Prefer the Waterloo built tractors myself.
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