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OK, waste oil heater time.
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Posted 11/21/2008 20:04 (#512974 - in reply to #512939)
Subject: RE: OK, waste oil heater time.

West Central Iowa
I have a Lanair that replaced a 20+ year old black gold. After one season the combustion chamber was burned through. I had to send pictures on my installation into them and they found a very hooky reason (an elbow fitting on an oil return line) not to honor their 10 year combustion chamber warranty, even though right after mine was built they changed the design to keep the chamber from burning through. The change was to add another fire brick panel to the area where mine burnt through. The parts man admitted they had a real problem with this and that the elbow had nothing to do with my chamber burning through, but the decision was made by someone higher up then him. I had my BIL who owns a welding shop replace the end plate in the chamber and I added the extra fire brick panel and it has been fine since, but I found out their warranty is worthless and I will never buy another one from them because of it..
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