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Dumb Question: JD Autosteer
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Posted 2/13/2016 19:57 (#5109386 - in reply to #5109368)
Subject: RE: Careful Though !!!

I checked my unlocks and no I do not have the unlock for autotrac but I do have 15 hrs. left on the demo. Still 15 hrs. left for pivotpro, rowsense and swath control as well.

Thanks for the help, I think I have all the info I need now. It's just frustrating since I was looking at getting my FMX and Nav II out of there to keep it in the combine full time figuring what the heck, I have the screen already in the armrest I should just need an antenna, but the cost of getting it all to work would be $3700 (used itc globe with used SF1 activation), which is almost the price of getting another used nav II with another used trimble screen such as a 750.
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