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What to Look at on a John Deere 2955
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Posted 2/6/2016 07:48 (#5091603 - in reply to #5091425)
Subject: RE: What to Look at on a John Deere 2955

Northeastern Pa.
They must have forgot the 2 in front of the 5. We have two 2940's with high hours but get used more than any other tractors on the farm. We pull a 6 row planter with the one with mfwd. with no problem. I like getting out and one step to the ground. They will pull a 5 bottom plow but not our 11 shank coulter chisel. Just to compare I would take a 2955 over a 6400 or 6410. 2955 will out work them and ride better. If the hydraulics don't chatter at idle and has less than 5000 hrs. I would buy one if nice.
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