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4955 vs 4960 JD tractor
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Posted 1/26/2016 16:43 (#5065873 - in reply to #5065795)
Subject: RE: 4955 vs 4960 JD tractor

meade co. sw, ks
I'm no expert but I just my 4960 for a 8300. They are basically the same, my 4960 was a excellent tractor and left with 15k hrs but needed its first overhaul. If it wasn't for health reasons I would have kept it and overhauled it myself. I would strongly recommend getting a 49 over a 47. The little extra power is nice at times. Check front pivot pins and bushings by jacking up front of tractor and checking movement. Mine cost me 5k to fix because it wore into the housing and they had to do some machining then.
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