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Tractor Radio
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Posted 1/16/2016 12:13 (#5040032 - in reply to #5039386)
Subject: RE: Tractor Radio

1586 - 1/16/2016 07:56

sandhillsam - 1/16/2016 06:12

I had two REI's in two separate tractors. Both failed in less than five years. Now have the above mentioned over rated Jensen HD's. Been good so far.

We had one issue with an REI and they fixed it no questions asked no charge. All I was out was the $12 shipping. They do stand behind their product. Hard to not ever have an issue. I refuse to put store bought radios in not only because of the wiring issue but the button and controls are horrible to try to run on a tractor. Big buttons rule

What wiring issues?

The buttons suck on them if you are the type of person that needs preset buttons. You can get them without preset buttons and you just flick the knob to scroll through your presets. Not always as nice. I don't scroll through presets really, there's one radio station I can tolerate for a short amount of time before I switch to Bluetooth either streaming music or just playing what's stored on my phone.

I did get some wired marine remotes to make it easier to run them, they have huge buttons and you can mount them where ever it is convenient.

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