northeastern Ohio | Pvafarm - 1/8/2016 07:38
Prairieland had something good going there but they didn't have a zero anything plot. Also after opening the link and looking that wasn't a good plot - it wasn't really replicated as I don't understand why it was set up that way. And do you see the bounce between same treatments? You can't get any info out of that plot.
I am not going to question their methods because I don't know any more about the plot than what is in the link. If I average the "no Sabrex" treatments against the "Sabrex" treatments, I see a 6.4 bushel advantage to the Sabrex treatments. Alone, that plot may not be valid, but when you combine with the other two plots I posted, they average 5.5 bushel gain with the Sabrex. That is pretty consistent with what I have seen in the plots over the past 7 years. |