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JD 9660 vs 9760 vs 9860
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Dennis SEND
Posted 10/21/2008 09:15 (#487089 - in reply to #487033)
Subject: RE: JD 9660 vs 9760 vs 9860

pete379 - 10/21/2008 07:58

I bought a new machine in 2004. All machines have the same threshing and separating units. The difference was in the options and horsepower. A neighbor had a 9860 then and had problems in wheat with the air filter always plugging. He also said it liked it's fuel. However, he traded two years ago for another 9860 and this year has a new 9870. I suppose John Deere has addressed the air filter problem on the older machines by now. I would not buy a 9660...less horsepower, smaller grain tank. less options. Also I think the feederhouse gearbox is not as heavy as the others. What I did was buy a 9760 and added all the options so the only difference in mine and a 9860 is the engine and the decals. I am very happy with this machine. I would recommend a 9760. If horsepower is a problem, you can always buy a chip, which I have not. The most important advice I could give you is buy one with the 300 bushel grain tank and the high capacity unloading auger, you won't regret that. Wheat is the hardest crop to harvest with any machine. I would recommend the small wire concave for wheat. I use the standard round bar for soys and corn and they go through the machine like water.

What is wrong with a 9660 if you actually looked up anything you would know you can order a 9660 equiped exactly the same as a 9760, I know because I have done it three times actually I have a 9670 now but had 2 9660 prior to this one only time everything could not be order the same was in 04' you couldn't get the HUR auger on the 96 but since 05' everything that was avaible on the 97 was also avaible on the 96 including the HUR auger/bigger grain tank, heavy duty gearbox reverser, heavy final drives and everything thing else you can put on a96 to make it just like a 97 and it still costs about 10,000 less for a 96 with all the options and I guess like you said you can always get a chip if you need more HP but like you said also have never needed it actually I had a 9660 BR and a now a 9670 and both will outperform a regular 9760 (Non BR) Dennis SEND
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