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JD 9660 vs 9760 vs 9860
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Posted 10/21/2008 08:42 (#487066 - in reply to #486792)
Subject: Re: JD 9660 vs 9760 vs 9860

If it absolutely HAS to be a John Deere and these are your ONLY three options, then I would pick the 9660 or 9760. THe 9860 is a fuel hog with that 12.5L engine and you will burn a lot more fuel just running around with it than you will the other two. Not that the 9L is that great on fuel either, but the 12.5L is awful. Unless you truly need the hp, you don't gain anything with the 9860 anyway - it is still a small combine with just extra hp - not a real class 8.
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