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JD 9660 vs 9760 vs 9860
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Chad H
Posted 10/20/2008 22:02 (#486814 - in reply to #486792)
Subject: RE: JD 9660 vs 9760 vs 9860

Our 9760 with the 9.0L and bullet rotor consistantly runs 1-2mph faster than the 9650w with 35' heads in beans. It will comfortably run an hour earlier and an hour later at night as long as you can cut them off. In wheat it will run the .5 - 1 mph faster with a 35' vs 30' (on 9650w) platform during the heat of the day and be reduced to about the same speed when things get tough. In corn there is no comparison. If you can find a 9860 that suits you by all means go for it, especially if you raise wheat. If you are corn and beans only I don't know that the extra cost would be worth it.
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