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what is your favorite tool to break hay ground
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Ben D, N CA
Posted 9/29/2015 00:07 (#4814118 - in reply to #4813670)
Subject: RE: what is your favorite tool to break hay ground

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot
If I have to do it myself, the pattern is usually disk 3-4's. The trick is to progressively go a little deeper each time. It is very tempting to bury the disk 8" and go, but that just makes chunks. Better to go down a couple inches each pass, and pull a ring roller behind on each pass. Then plow it, with a roller behind the plow, then rip it with a ring roller. Notice a pattern? A little deeper each pass, and a ring roller every time.

Some of the guys I work for just rototill it as slow as possible, and then rip. It really does the same thing, and probably takes no more fuel.

Spraying the hay dead before, or waiting until it grows back 6" and then spraying, and waiting a couple weeks is well worth it. Dead crowns chop up much easier. There is no way you are going to get rid of the crowns enough that it will blow, here anyway. So might as well do a good job in the fall.

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