WC MN | Don't forget coyotes, your dirt is maybe too black and hard for them to dig. Always interesting to watch threads on breaking alfalfa, always a notill hater in the bunch, might as well be you ;-) Something often overlooked is the minor detail of alfalfa being notill as it has been in the ground for 3-5 years and still magically regrows after each cutting WITHOUT tillage!! Is it such a big leap of faith to believe that beautiful black Southern MN soil could produce for just one more year without tillage by direct seeding corn or soybeans into alfalfa stubble? My preference would be to 2x2 the P & K for corn which of course limits planter choices or run heavy spreads the last year of alfalfa to prepare for corn year. May also need heavy down pressure springs/bags and some type of spoked closing wheel. You can always bring the plow out after harvesting 250bu corn after alfalfa, it will still be easier to work down than hacking and beating sod to pieces. No offense intended just disturbing to watch all the work that goes into breaking sod and hear about poor stands and yield when it should have been some of their best corn. | |