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M11 in 95 FLD 112 temp warning light.
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Posted 8/28/2015 18:18 (#4758247 - in reply to #4758169)
Subject: RE: M11 in 95 FLD 112 temp warning light.

Mount Vernon, WA
4WD - 8/28/2015 14:01

As a generic statement, for engines and trucks around those years, your vehicle will have coolant sensors or switches for:

A. Engine's ECM (sensor)

B. OEM truck's dash gauge (sensor)

C. OEM truck's dash idiot light / warning buzzer (basically an ON/OFF switch, at a certain temp) = may only have "one wire" to that coolant "switch" {if it is a one wire unit, then it "grounds" thru the threads of the sensor, to the engine itself}

I'll add to the list of possibilities:

D. Fan clutch operation
E. Radiator shutter operation (if equipped)
F. Automatic transmission torque converter clutch operation

In summary, there can be a lot of switches and sensors on a coolant manifold. Sorting them out is the fun part.

Edited by Bern 8/28/2015 18:18
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