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1845c skid steers
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Posted 8/25/2015 12:48 (#4752449 - in reply to #4752268)
Subject: RE: 1845c skid steers

Be careful when looking at the hours on those machines. They haven't made them in a long time so finding one with actual low hours may be difficult. When I was 1840 shopping last fall, I bet over half of the supposed "low" houred ones (around 2k hours ones) must have had the tach replaced or turned back somehow. No way they were only 2k hours. They were in way worse shape than a lot of 4 to 5 k hour machines. True low hour 1840 and 1845c are fairly rare and usually priced accordingly high.

Id say buyer beware of low houred 1840 and 1845c. Good luck.

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