West Ky | IN555 - 8/23/2015 09:14
You are expecting panic. I'm still trying to figure out what has changed in the last couple days lol. Other then a good correction being long overdue I don't see anything to create panic all of a sudden. Energy companies yes but cheap gas is like a stimulus package for Main Street.
Are you serious?? Nothing to panic about?? The stock market is bloated with money printing. This money that's in the stocks is not a sign of a healthy economy. The economy is almost dead and needs a jolt. All the gov is doing is making the problem much worse by covering their own asses and their friends in the major corporstions and banks.
The GDP growth is not the economy but the borrow and spending by the gov that is counted in it.
If I borrow 1,000,000 bucks and buy cars that doesn't mean I just created wealth. Means I borrowed money.
Stock market today should be around 4-5500.
Go look at John Williams at shadowstats.
Our economy is horrible. |