| Sat - 8/20/2015 09:26
I gave up trying guess USDA's yields year ago*****
I could care less about the arguing/discussions of yields. We could try to talk the market higher OR lower in NAT and its simply not going to work. As for me "my plan" was to re-hedge soybeans the week or 2 prior to the report nearish $10, I stuck with the plan and got a great sale, with some MAJOR HELP FROM THE HFT's. WITHOUT those HTF boys there was no way my order would have been filled..................... So here's a BIG THANK YOU to those HFT's. While most complain about the HFT, I'm trying to learn to use them to my advantage. Here again is Maize's TARGET ORDERS ARE THE MARKET.
Now I just had a chat with my local export union train loader manager (he a good guy in my book) I've been bearish beans, he said nothing to change my mind if anything made me a tad more bearish.
Saying that Dollar seems weakish and the REAL has been holding the last couple of weeks with a very slight rally and I'm kinda getting a buy itch with sugar in this area. World sugar has been trading lock/step with the REAL.
Here's some comments from just below,,,
"Yes, a better than average crop in Illinois after listening to complaints all season long how bad it is. Imagine that.
Obviously there's not a wide spread total crop failure of the eastern corn belt like it sounds like on here some days."
"Imagine that" Now is it really "Imagine that" or is it just the "same stuff/different year"
Come on over Sat, I will gladly take you on a tour. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I will even let you buy the beer, my kind of course. |