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PFT Illinois
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Posted 8/20/2015 06:51 (#4742975 - in reply to #4742810)
Subject: RE: PFT Illinois

North East IL
my question is why haven't we seen any zero yields from the ponds? They take pride in doing the same spots every year. so that tells me they avoid them. I guess you could argue the whole planted/harvested acres like the USDA does, which is fine. Without compensating for the 5-10% of a field drowned out the number they come up with is just a number.

The report numbers where they stopped from what I read I expected the numbers to be higher. Springfield/Decatur area has it good again. Peoria/Bloomington area isn't bad. Those numbers were 179ish if I remember for that area, and Id give it that.

Knowing where some the guys are from that have crop complaints have some pretty crappy crops. I am in that boat with 200 APH ground that will be lucky to make 100. what the water didn't kill it pretty much should have. And ive said every time ive commented on crop conditions or when I posted about my aerial tour there are some good crops. but if you are east of I39 in between I74 and I 80 there are some issues. the further east you go the worse it gets. But it seems the good spots will outweigh the bad, at least according to PFT.

My father and I are essentially on the line that I goes from decent to bad. weve got some farms that are disasters, but have some that will be above average. Its going to be what it is.

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