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hydrolic pump on 4020?
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Posted 7/27/2015 23:06 (#4703537 - in reply to #4703291)
Subject: RE: hydrolic pump on 4020?


deereonly1 - 7/27/2015 09:34 The last few Ive done, Ive been just taking the back two bolts off the wide front frame and loosening the front two, then jack the front end up until the back end of the wish bone drops enough for the pump to slip out. Its a whole lot easier than fighting that floppy front end and tie rods.

What I do is take a flat piece of iron and make 2 holes for the tie rod ends so they can't flop around and remove either one of the long bolts on top of axle and weld a bolt to a 4 foot pipe and stick it thru with a nut and then you have something to balance the axle and roll out at same time. Easier with 2 people, then just drop the pump out the bottom with a hydraulic table.  

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