Saronville NE | Rich we have 2 of the long single spear at top with 2 little spears at the bottom, 1 on our 725 JD ldr and 1 on our GB ldr, we have moves tens of thousands between the 2 of them and they would be my pick, the only other kind I have used is the 2 long spears, they work too. The long single one works the best for loading the tubgrinder, cause when you put it up to the grinder, just kinda set it on the ledge and grinder will just kinda pull it off the single spear, and it wont fall to the bottom that way, and doing custom grinding most of my customers use a spear anymore instead of a grapple, mainly cause of the netwrap is my feeling. A grapple sucks on net for moving and storing bales cause it pokes holes in the net and acts nothing more than a giant funnel to let water into the bale. This is my experience hope it helps ya buddy. | |