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Ford 8340
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upstate ny
Posted 6/17/2015 20:56 (#4632687 - in reply to #4632480)
Subject: RE: Ford 8340

Have an 8340 and 5640. 5640 is a sl model with a 12 speed manual shift and in my opinion is a better trans. The 8340 is a sle with power shift. It has four power shifts then push lever ahead and four more split with a high and low lever giving a total of 16 speeds foward and reverse. Foward/reverse is on the right done with a lever and cable to a synchronizer that is spendy to replace, had it fail at little over 4k hours. Not the smoothest shifting from foward to reverse even after it was replaced. Scv's can b added but at a pretty big expense, lines cables handles and outlets are pricey. Engine is very good, powerful and great starting in cold weather. Very happy overall with the tractors but neither have a loader on them. I like the ford/newhollands its our main tractor line up on our farm. With that said i would never put a loader on either of them especially for bale work where it's back n forth all day. Have tn 70a with left hand reverser and loader that is far superior. My 2 cents would be keep looking,by the time u added what u need to it, might not be to cheap when u are done. Just my opinion they are good tractors but i feel there is much better for loader work.
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