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Ford 8340
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Posted 6/17/2015 19:19 (#4632480)
Subject: Ford 8340

Tell me about these tractors? The good and bad and things to look out for? Seems like all the research I've done is positive with a few electrical gremlins in the earlier models. It has a blue top cab.

Looking for a FWA loader tractor. I know they aren't the heaviest but price is decent and the ones I've checked out so far seem to be a comfortable nimble tractor for moving bales, etc.

Couple of other questions

Is the tranny a true powershift?
The one I'm looking at has 3 point issues, what could it be and could it be spendy?
What kind of hydraulic system is on there?
Can I mid mount a valve for a loader and joystick? What's the best way to plumb?
How hard or can you add extra SCVs? It only has 2 and I like 4.

Also on another note, where can I find the additional hydralic lines for a Farmhand XL495 loader. What's the thoughts on this loader. Doesn't have a grapple so would need to add one.
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