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Why Did Farmers Always Dress Up (Old Farm Pics)
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Posted 5/18/2015 23:16 (#4579121 - in reply to #4578817)
Subject: RE: Why Did Farmers Always Dress Up (Old Farm Pics)

Southern Ontario
I remember my grandma (born 1906) telling me she always made sure she had a fresh ironed and starched long sleeved shirt ready at all times, in case my grandfather had to make an unplanned trip to town to pick up unexpected parts or supplies. He had even more formal clothes to wear to town for planned trips for supplies. My grandfather whom I am sure could work me under the table, seemed to feel it was very important to not be in work clothes when he appeared in public. My grandmother made it clear that was the general opinion of most of the farmers in our area at that time. I asked her why it had to be a long sleeved shirt and I somehow got the impression that farmers were a bit embarrassed by having tanned skin from working outdoors.
Myself, I seem to a have a warmer temperature setting than most and wearing a suit and tie, even in the winter, usually causes me to boil over. I also get hot farming in heavy work clothes and prefer patched jeans because I feel the worn, thus thinner, denim allows cooler air to penetrate and warmer air to escape from my skin. But since I am often wearing patched clothes to farm in , I try to have a decent pair of jeans handy (always behind the seat in truck) to switch into in case I have to get supplies in town. Perhaps someday if I have a grandson , he will find that odd.

Edited by mca 5/19/2015 08:39
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