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Ed Winkle
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Posted 4/7/2015 21:05 (#4502968 - in reply to #4493522)
Subject: RE: Ed Winkle

UP / Thumb of Michigan
I'll miss Ed's posts and insights a bunch.

We met at either the first or third NNTC. My Dad and I alternated attending for a lot of years. I was the designated odd year attendee.

Ed never seemed to go half way on anything- I'm kind of the same. Ed didn't "kind of" believe in No Till. Or covers crops. Or any of the multitude of other innovations he tried. It worked or it didn't. If it didn't work, he'd let you know. If it did, there was no bigger fan.

RIP, Ed. Thinking good thoughts for his family.

Edited by pat-michigan 4/7/2015 21:07
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