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IH 6588 vs 6788 2+2
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Jon Hagen
Posted 3/6/2015 18:39 (#4436446 - in reply to #4435212)
Subject: RE: IH 6588 vs 6788 2+2

Hagen Brothers farms,Goodrich ND
sonic - 3/7/2015 07:29

the the main difference beside a few hp is the 6799 doesnt have a ta, which makes it slower on the road.  

Not so, a TA gives you a lower gear in low range, high range in a TA is the same as that gear in a tractor without TA, so road speed is the same.

The 35 has a 4 spd trans X 2 ranges, = 8 spd. The 37 /67 has a 3 spd trans X two ranges= 6 spd.

With the same size wheels front and rear,+ that engine weight hanging way out in front of the axle, 2+2 has far more traction than a similar weight FWA tractor.

Edited by Jon Hagen 3/6/2015 18:42
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