| We have ran ours for about 10 years now. It has the baskets behind the disk blades which I think are good to keep the dirt from moving too far and creating disk humps. And in the back it has 3 bar spike drag and a single basket. We also pull a basket behind that. We use as a one pass tool and have ran many acres of standing corn stalks with no problem. The only thing I do not like about it is the transport width. I would for sure buy another one this one goes over 3-4,000 ac per year. Be sure to put shank protectors on it we usually wear out 2 sets of shovels each season. Never have had to weld the frame. Have had to weld some bushing on some high wear points on the basket mounts. Highly recommend the tool. It's the oldest part of our planting operation and still planning on many years of service. As for hp ours is 34' and pull it with a 9460r but started pulling it with a 9400 and did fine.
Edited by Doingit4thegirls 1/9/2015 22:04
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