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Sunflower 6333
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Posted 1/9/2015 20:24 (#4300465 - in reply to #4300109)
Subject: RE: Sunflower 6333

NE Iowa
We have 33 footer and drag it around with an 8770 deere 4wd and get along great. Wouldn't want anythingess than 250pto horse. Options are a 6 bar spoke tooth harrow or a 3 bar coil tune with rolling basket or 3 bar spike tooth with rolling basket. We have ran ours as a single pass machine in standing cornstalks in the spring and have yet to plug it. Sink the discs in and away you go. Have the 3 bar spoke and rolling basket and the basket mointake could be built a little heavier as we have all contours and there is a lot more side thrust on them than the straight back and forth guys. Like the rig other than that
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