Oklahoma | In 1990 we built a 24x 48 ft 3 sided livestock barn using a similar method on setting poles. We had poles from 14 ft to 20 ft long. Built into the slope we just put the short ones on the back side and long on the front. Ours poles were on 12 x 12 centers to make bays, used bridge seals for tying poles together. My dad notched the tops of the poles with a chainsaw to basically make mortis and tendon joints, then we cut plate steel to laminate the joints similar to the metal fasteners they use in houses today but ours were much bigger. Used bridge decking for the stringer/nailers and then sheeted in metal siding. As others have said, for a livestock barn, works great, but equipment storage if maybe limited in height. Ours was ~10 ft in the back and something like 14 on the front. | |