Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn. | Dad built a "combine" shed about 50 years ago with used utility poles. The shed is still straight and true but a bit small for today's combines.
The poles Dad got were used. They were of differing diameters. I got in on helping Dad with setting these poles which was a rather time consuming process. Dad had the power company come out and dig the holes. I don't remember if he purposely offset the holes to accomodate the larger poles so the outside edge would be in line with the smaller poles which were used along the walls.
Once the poles were in the holes we set about packing them in place. Dad had one of those tools that loggers use to turn logs. It had a handle with a couple of hooks on it that would dig into the wood and allow a person to twist the poles. Dad would walk away from the site and sight in the poles. He would have me turn the poles until the straightest side was "out". Sometimes the pole had a high spot on the outside which he later shaved back with an axe.
Once the poles were set the "nailers" were installed. This was used lumber and spaced several feet apart horizontally. If the outside edge where the nailers were to be placed was straight then everything was fine. Some times a filler shim was needed and sometimes the pole had to be shaved back with an axe.
Once the nailers were in place. The rafters were installed. Steel was used for the roof and sidewalls. The biggest problem as I recall with using the utility poles was the extra labor involved in getting them in properly.
With only 8 poles I don't think the building could be very large but it might suit your purposes just fine.
Edited by tedbear 12/29/2014 09:06